Location & Dates
When: Saturday, November 16 2019
Where: Sandman Hotel Oakville, 3451 South Service Road West, Oakville, ON L6L 0C3
RAPID – 5 Round Swiss | CFC active rated | FIDE rated for Open category | CFC membership is required.
BLITZ – 5 Round Swiss | CFC active rated | CFC membership is required.
Rounds: RAPID: Rd 1 – 9:30 AM; Rd 2 – 10:30 AM; Rd 3 – 11:30 PM; Rd 4 – 1:30 PM; Round 5 – 2:30 PM; BLITZ starts at 4:00 PM
Sections: OPEN, U-1600 and U-1000
Time Control: 25 mins per game plus 5 sec increment for Rapid and 3 mins per game plus 2 sec increment for Blitz
1/2 points for rounds 1-3. Only 2 byes allowed
The byes MUST be requested in advance during registration or at the latest prior to the end of the previous round
Organizers: Oakville Chess Club in partnership with Elevate My Chess Canada Inc.
Arbiter: Egidijus Zeromskis
Registration Fees
EARLY Entry fee (Ends Oct 21, 2019): Open $ 45 : U-1600 $ 40 : U-1000 $ 35
REGULAR Entry fee (Ends Nov 4, 2019): Open $ 55 : U-1600 $ 50 : U-1000 $ 45
LATE Entry fee (Ends Nov 11, 2019): Open $ 65 : U-1600 $ 60 : U-1000 $ 55
AFTER NOV 11 or AT THE DOOR: Open $ 70 : U-1600 $ 65 : U-1000 $ 60
EARLY Entry fee (Ends Oct 21, 2019): Open $ 20 : U-1600 $ 15 : U-1000 $ 10
REGULAR Entry fee (Ends Nov 4, 2019): Open $ 25 : U-1600 $ 20 : U-1000 $ 15
LATE Entry fee (Ends Nov 11, 2019): Open $ 35 : U-1600 $ 30 : U-1000 $ 25
AFTER NOV 11 or AT THE DOOR: Open $ 40 : U-1600 $ 35 : U-1000 $ 30
Play Up Fee: $10 (Rating must be within 100 points of the rating floor for the section)
NOTE: Registration will close as soon as we reach venue capacity of approximately 120 participants
PRIZES (Based on minimum of 100 registered players)
Rapid Chess Open Section: 1st $350; 2nd $250; 3rd $150
Rapid Chess U1600 Section: 1st $300; 2nd $200; 3rd $100
Rapid Chess U1000 Section: 1st $200; 2nd $100; 3rd $50
Blitz Challenge Open Section: 1st $150; 2nd $100; 3rd $50
Blitz Challenge U1600 Section: 1st $100; 2nd $70; 3rd $40
Blitz Challenge U1000 Section: 1st $70; 2nd $50; 3rd $30
COMBINED TOTAL PRIZES (Prizes for total points from the Rapid & Blitz Tournaments combined)
Rapid & Blitz Total Open Section: 1st $60; 2nd $40; 3rd $20
Rapid & Blitz Total U1600 Section: 1st $50; 2nd $30; 3rd $20
Rapid & Blitz Total U1000 Section: 1st $40; 2nd $20; 3rd $10
Unrated may not win over $10 in all sections
Water provided. Chess equipment provided.
Refund Policy: No cash refunds on withdrawal. Credit for equal amount will be given if you notify us of withdrawal on or before October 15, 2019. Credits can be used to register for tournaments and other programs offered by Elevate My Chess. Registration fee will be forfieted if you don't notify us of withdrawals on or before October 15, 2019. However, consideration for credit will be considered in special circumstances on a case by case basis.

I'm excited that you've decided to join us for the 2019 Oakville R&B Chess Challenge! I look forward to meeting with you. I can't wait...see you soon. Ken Green, Founder, Elevate My Chess Canada Inc.